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Welcome to ASDEC Online Registration

Course and Workshop Registration


Below are the methods of payment for courses and workshops.


Please make checks payable to ASDEC and mail to:

3500 East West Highway

Suite 1418-177

Hyattsville, MD 20782

Online with Credit Card

Pay online with your credit card during registration or later through your ASDEC account.

ASDEC Refund Policy

Courses: 50% if withdrawal is at least ten working days before the start of class. No refunds are available less than 10 days prior to the start of class.

If a course is sold out, ASDEC will not refund payment at any time.

Summer Program: We require a non-refundable deposit upon pre-registration and full payment when your child is accepted into the program. Refunds are not available if the summer program is full.


You will be asked to confirm the following authorizations when you register.

ASDEC Medical Authorization for Children

Please check the box in registration to agree:

"In the event of an emergency or serious illness, I request that ASDEC contact me. If ASDEC is unable to reach me, I hereby authorize ASDEC to call the physician indicated and follow his or her instruction. If the physician cannot be contacted, ASDEC will make any arrangements necessary."

ASDEC Photo Release

Please check the box in registration to agree:

"I agree, without compensation, to permit ASDEC employees to use photographs of my child for the use and benefit of ASDEC in its publications and other institutional development and promotional programs. This release will continue until specifically revoked."


Contact us at [email protected]

ASDEC - Dyslexia Therapy, Training, and Parent Advocacy

3500 East West Hwy

Suite 1418-177

Hyattsville, MD 20782-1916

Phone: 240-354-0311
Email: [email protected]

Copyright ©2019. ASDEC All rights reserved.

ASDEC is accredited by the International Mulitsensory Structured Language Education Council (IMSLEC), one of two organizations in the US to receive the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) endorsement for meeting teacher training standards in reading.

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