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“Your training has changed my teaching forever. I will never teach the same way again. My students went from no reading skills to reading on second grade level in one school year.”

- Marcia Slatkin, Montgomery County, MD, Special Education Teacher

ASDEC FACULTY bring our nationally accredited training courses and workshops to schools and community groups throughout the United States.  ASDEC staff customize our training programs to meet the needs of teachers, administrators, learning specialists, parents and counselors offering a range of short workshops or longer training courses.

ASDEC training courses are accredited by IMSLEC, The International Multisensory Structured Language Education Council. IMSLEC is a member of The Alliance for Accreditation and Certification, which is sponsored by The International Dyslexia Association.

Multisensory Training Institute ASDEC Faculty bring our nationally accredited training courses and workshops to schools and community groups throughout the US. ASDEC staff cater training programs to meet the needs of teachers, administrators, learning specialists, parents and counselors offering a range of short workshops or longer training courses.

Using Manipulatives to
Model Math Concepts K-5

Presented by Marilyn Zecher

Manipulatives can be time consuming and messy, but research suggests their use is essential for modeling math concepts for all types of learners.  Most math curricula endorse the use of manipulatives for instructional use in addressing the Common Core Standards and meeting the needs of diverse student populations using a Universal Design for Learning approach. However, educators consistently express a desire for guided practice in the use of manipulatives in the classroom and within individual lessons.

This workshop is designed to give teachers, tutors and parents additional hands-on practice in the use of manipulatives and associated language in modeling crucial concepts in the foundations of mathematics K-5.  Concepts addressed include:

  • Basic numeracy
  • Place value
  • Basic operations, with and without regrouping
  • Multiplication/division
  • Fractions

Participants are encouraged to bring their own place value/base ten blocks.  Other manipulatives and lunch will be provided.

Multisensory Grammar-Online

Presented by Joy Jacques

Joy Jacques, former director of ASDEC’s Summer Study Skills program presents a workshop on Multisensory Grammar Instruction.  The presentation, designed for teachers, parents, academic therapists and other educators, presents  multisensory methods for teaching the parts of speech and related basic grammar skills.  Activities include:

  • Color-Coded Cue Cards for parts of speech
  • Structured, sequential, instruction using concrete, representational, and abstract activities
  • Interactive games for groups and individuals
  • Application of grammatical elements to improve sentence level writing
April 13, 2020, 9:00 AM - May 01, 2020

Cost: $100

Early Registration: $80 

Register now!


ASDEC - Dyslexia Therapy, Training, and Parent Advocacy

3500 East West Hwy

Suite 1418-177

Hyattsville, MD 20782-1916

Phone: 240-354-0311
Email: [email protected]

Copyright ©2019. ASDEC All rights reserved.

ASDEC is accredited by the International Mulitsensory Structured Language Education Council (IMSLEC), one of two organizations in the US to receive the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) endorsement for meeting teacher training standards in reading.

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