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ASDEC for Children

"Our son Adam is bright, dyslexic, and dysgraphic. We've had a couple lucky breaks in helping him with his learning differences. One of them was his attendance at the ASDEC summer program after his 1st grade year. ASDEC is special in that your child will work one-on-one with a certified language therapist. Your child will receive instruction that is tailored for him; her progress is based on her understanding of material, not the group's mastery of material. 

Following the summer program, ASDEC will match your child to a language therapist whose schedule and location matches yours, so your child can continue to work to become a fluent reader. Adam has worked with his therapist for the past two school years, both in-person and on-line.  He'll continue to work with her this summer and next school year.  He's made tremendous progress. He is in 3rd grade now and reads above grade-level, though slowly and tires quickly for a child his age. His therapist believes that by the end of next year, he'll be a fluent reader.. 

The summer program at ASDEC was a worthwhile investment for our family. I hope the on-line delivery puts it in reach of more families whose schedules wouldn't accommodate the in-person program.  (Parent of ASDEC summer student)




ASDEC Reach for Success Summer Programs in Reading, Math, Writing and Study Skills For Students in Elementary- High School

ASDEC provides the only summer program in the DC region that is lead by Certified Academic Language Therapists teaching struggling learners.  The program provides intensive instruction in reading,  writing, spelling, study skills, and handwriting and math. Physical movement along with visual and auditory stimuli to provide multisensory learning. The hands-on aspect of the structured routines facilitates attention and concentration. The careful development of conceptual understanding and the high level of repetition reinforce memory. All activities build on the mastery of skills, which helps students build self-esteem as they experience success each day.

For close to two decades, ASDEC master teachers have been delivering the most powerful Orton-Gillingham teaching methods to students during our summer program. Our elementary students work with Academic Therapists one to one and in small groups while older students work in small groups with senior ASDEC faculty members. In addition, ASDEC-trained Math Specialists bring years of experience to our summer programs.

ASDEC  has over 20 years of experience serving children directly during the summer programs bringing the best components of our research-based training into the classroom..  We also have years of experience teaching students online, now an essential component during this pandemic. The Summer Program is for students who currently are struggling in school and require special accommodations as specified in an IEP or some other educational testing.

Elementary Summer Program Summer Program 2024 


St. Andrew the Apostle School, Silver Spring MD

July 8-26, 2024

Monday - Friday


King Abduallah Academy 

Herndon, VA

July 8-26, 2024



Afternoon Online  Sessions:

July 8-26,2024

Monday - Thursday


ASDEC Elementary Academic Therapy Clinic – Grades 2-6: 

ASDEC provides the only Orton-Gillingham Based program endorsed by the International Dyslexia Association in the Washington, DC region. The program provides intensive instruction in reading, writing, spelling, and handwriting. Physical movement is added to the visual and auditory stimuli to provide multisensory learning. The hands-on aspect of the structured routines facilitates attention and concentration. The careful development of conceptual understanding and the high level of repetition reinforce memory. All activities build on the mastery of skills, which helps students build self-esteem as they experience success each day.

Who should attend?

Students entering grades 2-6 who currently are struggling in school and require special accommodations as specified in an IEP or some other educational plan.

What will they learn? Students work one-to-one with an academic therapist in the following:

Multisensory Language Training
ASDEC’s Sounds In Syllables teaches phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, and comprehension procedures that focus attention, improve memory, and reduce anxiety.

Verbal Expression
Through interactive activities and games, students improve language skills through sentence expansion, categorizing and sequencing activities, and deductive reasoning methods.

Summer program team

ASDEC Clinical Directors lead the summer program team. Summer Program Director Traude Smith, CALT has a masters degree in education and has been teaching students with learning differences since 1985. Serving alongside as a clinical supervisor is Mona Iyer, CALT a Certified Montessori Teacher with over 23 years experience as a Montessori teacher and over 8 years as a Certified Academic Therapist.

Donna Brooks, CALT, Donna L. Brooks is an ALTA-certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT) and IDA certified Dyslexia Therapist and ASDEC Supervisor.  She is the founder of Moving Muscles. This program is specifically used for the ASDEC Summer Program and allows children the ability to become better coordinated, working on total body motion while addressing mid-line, hypotonia, dyspraxia challenges. Most importantly, the children have fun while doing this. Donna is also the founder of Blessings Through Dyslexia, an intervention services provider. She is also certified as a Myers-Briggs Facilitator, an Equipping Minds (EM) Mediator, a Feuerstein Method Mediator, and The Listening Program (TLP) Provider, Visual and Auditory Assessor through The Listening Program, and an Intern for the Learning Ears Program. Donna is currently enrolled in a Masters of Counseling Program at Huntington University, Huntington, Indiana. She is retired from the United States Air Force. Donna and her daughter, Grace, understand the challenges and blessings that come with having dyslexia.

In addition to our Program Directors, Academic Therapists will work one-on-one and in small groups with students. Therapists meet each day with the Program Director to review the child’s progress and plan the next session. 


Online Programs 

$1,900 for three-week program  plus $100 non-refundable deposit.

Online Program

$1,520 for three week program plus $100 non-refundable deposit

Step 1:  Complete online pre-registration along with payment of non-refundable deposit

Step 2; Send student's educational testing to [email protected]

Step 3: After staff review testing, student will be invited to meet with summer program director for intake and placement.


Summer Math Program

July 8-26, 2024

Grades 4-5: 8:30-9:30

Grades 6-7:  from 10:00-11:30  

Grades 8-9 from 12:00-1:30 


The ASDEC Multisensory Math Summer Institute is designed to serve students with language-based learning disabilities and related difficulties. It utilizes evidence-based practices and is reflective of applications of neuroscience supporting instructional strategies in teaching and learning mathematics.

Students work in a group setting using the Concrete to Representational to Abstract instructional sequence. They utilize hands-on manipulatives as they explore math concepts. Though we support the use of accommodations for independent work, test and quizzes. The ASDEC program does not use calculators or technology for math fact retrieval.  We focus on teaching fewer facts at a time to develop mastery over time. Students should be expected to build a stronger conceptual understanding of the structure of our number system and build math reasoning to support future experiences in math.  This program is designed to help clarify previous unfinished learning in mathematics and solidify underlying concepts which support future success.

Students will receive a binder with classwork as well as practice materials and a sample of manipulatives for use in supporting further instruction or support work with a trained professional.  

Who should attend? 

ASDEC's summer math program serves students with language-based learning difficulties in a group setting. Students work with math manipulatives to internalize math concepts. Though fluency is a part of this program, fluency development must be scaffolded over time, thus students work with targeted number facts to develop larger concepts. Students must be able to work with manipulatives independently in a group setting. Those who require more intensive therapeutic services will not benefit from this program. Program directors will review diagnostic testing to determine eligibility for the program.

Foundation Skills Program – Designed for Rising 4th & 5th Grade Students

The Foundation Skills Review is appropriate for rising 4th and 5th grade students who have language-based and/or related disabilities and who have significant gaps in their skills and conceptual foundations. We will cover basic numeracy patterns along with place value concepts, addition & subtraction, and multiplication & division concepts, as well as basic fraction concepts. This program is not designed to drill math facts but to provide the reasoning and patterns behind them.  Students will interact with math concepts through hands-on practice with manipulative objects, visual representations and games to reinforce skills.  Students must commit to attending all three weeks of the program and no exceptions will be allowed.  Students must be able to function in a group as well as independently with instructor support.  

Getting Ready for Middle School –  Rising 5  (depending on pre-assessment) and 6th Grade Students

This summer review program is appropriate for students who have language based and/or related disabilities who have significant gaps in their skills and conceptual foundations. We will cover basic numeracy and place value concepts with a focus on fractions as they relate to whole numbers. We will explore the concepts surrounding multiplication and division but we will not drill math facts for rote memory.  Rather we will explore patterns which aid reasoning and memory in a more humane way of addressing these deficits common to students with language-based disabilities.  We will stress the long division algorithm, and multidigit arithmetic which form the core of middle school math.  Our final week will be devoted to fraction and decimal concepts. Students must commit to attending all three weeks of the program and no exceptions will be allowed.  Students must be able to function in a group as well as independently with instructor support. 

Algebra Prep- Designed for Students in Grades 7 and Up

This summer program will focus on skills necessary for performance in pre-algebra and algebra.  We will explore numeracy and place value along with fractions and decimals to see relationships in operations. Students will review solving one and two stage equations, integers, radicals and linear functions. They will build models for linear relationships and learn the foundations of slope intercept form along with graphing lines to model real life applications.  Students must commit to attending all three weeks of the program and no exceptions will be allowed.  They must be able to function in a group setting and independently with instructor support.  

Location: St. Andrew the Apostle School Silver Spring

Register Now


 $1500 for the three week program plus a non-refundable application fee.

Step 1:  Complete online pre-registration

Step 2: Send student's educational testing to [email protected]-Testing is Required

Step 3: After staff review testing, staff will contact parent/guardian 


Middle-High School Program

Summer Program 2024
July 8-19, 2024



Middle-High School Program: Study Skills and Writing – Grades 7-11 

Middle and high school students must complete increasingly challenging writing assignments across the curriculum. Most students, however, have not mastered the grammar and language skills necessary to become effective and confident writers. ASDEC’s middle/high school specialists use state-of-the art multisensory strategies to help students improve reading, grammar, writing, and study skills in a lively small group setting. The program provides students with some of the most critical and necessary skills required for academic writing at the secondary level.  Students will learn the multisensory process approach to improve sentences, paragraphs, and multi-paragraph essays.

Study skills instruction is embedded within the academic writing curriculum and will focus on time management, organization, vocabulary development, text annotation, webbing, summarizing, and source citation.  Students will learn techniques that significantly improve comprehension and memory. Additionally, they will use software tools that aid in mastery of content information and organization.

Who should Attend?

Students entering grades 7-11 in the Fall  of 2024  who currently are struggling in school .

What will they learn?

Pre-tests and post-tests administered in past summer programs reveal significant gains for participants in grammar and writing. Parents also report that their children demonstrate improved ability to complete short and long-term projects independently and on time.

Location: St. Andrew the Apostle, Silver Spring, MD

Summer program team

Laurie Moloney, CALT is the lead instructor.  With 20 years of experience as an Academic Language Therapist, Ms. Moloney specializes in teaching students to read and spell fluently; take notes from textbooks, literature, and lecture; remember what they read and hear using powerful memory strategies; enlarge their vocabulary exponentially through the study of Greek and Latin morphemes; write well; manage their time and school materials effectively; and self-advocate. 


 $1,300 plus a non-refundable application fee.

Step 1:  Complete online pre-registration along with payment of non-refundable deposit

Step 2; Send student's educational testing to [email protected]

Step 3: After staff review testing, student will be invited to meet with summer program director for intake and placement.

Summer Math:  Contact us for referrals to online math specialists

spring intensive program FOR STUDENTS IN GRADES 2-6:


Students in grades 2-6 will work one to one with an Academic Language Therapist three  times per week for 50 minutes. Clinical supervisors will observe student progress on a weekly basis to monitor student response. Parent/Guardians will receive progress reports at the end of the 7-week program.  

ASDEC SPECIALISTS TEACH SOUNDS IN SYLLABLES, THE ONLY ORTON-GILLINGHAM BASED program that meets all critieria for an Intensive Tier 3 intervention program in Maryland. The program provides intensive instruction in reading, writing, spelling, and handwriting. Physical movement is added to the visual and auditory stimuli to provide multisensory learning. The hands-on aspect of the structured routines facilitates attention and concentration. The careful development of conceptual understanding and the high level of repetition reinforce memory. All activities build on the mastery of skills, which helps students build self-esteem as they experience success each day.

Who should attend?

Students in grades 2-6, who currently are struggling in school and require special accommodations as specified in an IEP or some other educational plan.

What will they learn? Students work one-to-one with an academic therapist in the following:

Multisensory Language Training
ASDEC’s Sounds In Syllables teaches phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, and comprehension procedures that focus attention, improve memory, and reduce anxiety.

Verbal Expression
Through interactive activities and games, students improve language skills through sentence expansion, categorizing and sequencing activities, and deductive reasoning methods.


February 26 - April 19, 2024 

Cost:$1,000 plus $100 non-refundable application fee

Location: Varies, some onsite space available.


How to Apply

Application Requirements

  • Online Application
  • Non- refundable Application Fee
  • A recent (within two years) psycho-educational evaluation

Application Process

  1. Complete online pre-registration form
  2. Pay non-rfundable application fee
  3. Submit your child’s testing to us at [email protected]
  4. ASDEC will review testing and contact you regarding next steps
  5. If your child is accepted into the program we ask that you complete payment for the program.


“Reading felt like a locked door. And everybody else had a key to the door that just didn’t work for me. Thanks to the help of my tutors I’ve been able to make my own key. But don’t think that it didn’t take work. I put a lot of effort into this goal, and eventually I was able to learn to read, even if it was my own way. That unlocked a bigger world. I think everyone has different keys to different doors and struggles with different things, so don't give up when you run across a lock and the normal keys don't work.” ASDEC Student

"I just wanted to send a quick note to update you on my son AJ.  He loved the ASDEC summer reading course.  On the last day, he quietly turned to his mom and asked, “Can I go to reading camp again next summer?”  We think it really helped to feel normal, and to have a cohort." 

Parent of summer elementary student

ASDEC Intensive Reading Programs

For close to two decades, years, ASDEC master teachers have been delivering the most powerful Orton-Gillingham teaching methods to students during our summer program. Our elementary students work with Academic Therapists one to one and in small groups while older students work in small groups with senior ASDEC faculty members. In addition, ASDEC-trained Math Specialists bring years of experience to our summer programs.

Certified Academic Therapists

ASDEC therapists work with students for a minimum of three times per week.  Accreditation through the International Multisensory Language Education Council (IMSLEC) ensures that students receive an approved Orton-Gillingham Based Reading curriculum. ASDEC is the only IMSLEC training center in the Washington, DC area that has received a direct endorsement from the International Dyslexia Association for meeting its rigorous Knowledge and Practice Standards for Reading Instruction.

We provide direct referral services to our Academic Language Therapists. Please contact us to schedule an intake meeting by phoning us at 301-762-2414 or sending an email to [email protected].. To join our Academic Therapy Wait list, click here.

When evaluating the credentials of reading specialist, the International Dyslexia Association recommends using their EVALUATING EDUCATIONAL PROFESSIONALS guide. ASDEC therapists meet all of these standards.


ASDEC - Dyslexia Therapy, Training, and Parent Advocacy

3500 East West Hwy

Suite 1418-177

Hyattsville, MD 20782-1916

Phone: 301-762-2414
Email: [email protected]

Copyright ©2019. ASDEC All rights reserved.

ASDEC is accredited by the International Mulitsensory Structured Language Education Council (IMSLEC), one of two organizations in the US to receive the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) endorsement for meeting teacher training standards in reading.

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